Situated in the north-eastern part of Europe, with a coastline along the Baltic Sea, Latvia has borders with Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Lithuania. Having the city of Rigga as the capital and the main economic and culturual centre, Latvia is notable for its long beaches and amazing natural wildlife in dense sprawling forests.

Like most of its Baltic neighbours, Latvia has made a rapid transition to the free market since the early 1990's, and after almost a decade from regaining its independence during the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Latvia became  member state of the European Union in May 2004, becoming later part of the Europe Zone and the Schengen Visa Zone.

Latvia established its Golden Visa Programme in 2010, in which foreign investors can gain residency permit for 5 years by investing a minimum of EUR 250,000 in property market, limited to the first 800 applicants in the year (the investment limit for additional applicant goes up to EUR 500,00), making it one of the most affordable and fastest options in Europe. Foreign individuals may also apply for a Residency Permit in Latvia by making a financial investment in a Latvian credit institution (subordinated loan or subordinated bank bonds), by investing in equity capital of an enterprise, or by purchasing interest-free government bonds.

Benefits of Latvian Residency Programme

- The cheapest option for European Residency

- The right to live, work and study in Latvia

- Visa-free travel in Europe (Schengen zone)

- Spouse and children up to 18 years old are included in the residence permit

- Possibility to apply for an EU long-term residence permit 5 years after the initial residency is granted (as main result, allows you to move to another EU country).

Please contact us for more detailed information.