Dominica is a Caribbean island of remarkable beauty, with green forests rolling across hills that stretch from shore to shore. English is the nation's official language, but French is also widely spoken.

Dominica's Citizenship-by-Investment programme has straightforward requirements and offers many advantages. A $100,000 donation or a $200,000 property purchase on the island, grants Dominican citizenship for the applicants and their family, including dependent children and parents. After all background checks are undertaken, a final decision is usually made within 8 to 10 weeks from the submission of the application.

The Benefits of Dominican Citizenship 

- Visa-free travel to over 119 countries

- Access to the EU (Schengen Area), UK, Singapore and more countries

- Dual citizenship allowed

- No physical stay in the country required

- Confidential application process

- No personal income tax

- Corporate tax incentives

- No restriction on the repatriation of profits 

- Generous tax relief benefits

- Duty free trading in the Caribbean

Please contact us for more detailed information.