Canada is ranked among the best countries in the world in terms of living standards, world-class education, civil and social freedom, and a liberal stable-growing economy. It is a popular choice for many investor immigrants looking for a Residency Permit Programme.

At Southeast Capital we can count on reliable authorized offices and institutions to help us strive to our applicants and their families the best chance of success in their visa application process, in order to turn the Canadian Dream into reality.

Benefits of Canadian Permanent Residency 

- Immediate permanent residency granted to successful applicants

- Includes family members (spouse, partner and dependent children under 22 years old)

- The whole family can move together to Canada

- World-class education and healthcare system 

- Once the application is approved, it takes 4 to 6 months to receive the Permanent Residency Entry Visa

- Dual citizenship is allowed

- After 5 years of Permanent Residency in the country, Canadian citizenship can be applied 

Canada's Immigration system has over 70 different visas and immigration programmes to help foreign applicants  move to Canada in the simplest and quickest way.

Most of the Programmes are designed for investors and their family members to enter the country as Permanent Residents, which requires in return an investment operation into an existing or new business, based on being skilled workers professionals.

Main Canadian Immigration Programmes:

- The Federal Express Entry Programme (Federal)

- The Provincial Nominee Programme

- The Entrepreneur or Investor Visa Programme

- The Quebec Immigrant Investor Programme

Federal Skilled Worker Programme

Skilled workers are chosen as permanent residents based on their ability to contribute to the Canadian Economy. Eligible candidates should have a minimum of 1 year of proven skilled work experience.

Provincial Nominee Program

Each province in Canada has its own right procedures and eligibility criteria for nominating an applicant for an express permanent residence permit. The Provincial Nominee Programme gives every province and territory in Canada the power to invite applicants to come and live in their territories, as long as the applicant has the right skills and work experience. Most PNPs have at least one Entrepreneur or Investor Visa category dedicated to people who want to expand or start their business activities in Canada. Specific requirements must be met for each province.

Entrepreneurship Visa Programme

There are several Entrepreneur and Investor Visa options available, designed to attract entrepreneurial immigrants with necessary skills and potential to start and build innovative enterprises in Canada, including the Start-up Visa Programme and Provincial Nominee Programme, aimed at creating jobs for Canadians and certain local residents. Each province has its own entrepreneurship or Investor Visa Programmes.

Start-up Visa Programme

The Start-up Visa Programme is a general Investor Visa option that allows investors to immigrate to Canada to start a business anywhere in the country. The applicant and their enterprise has to meet a set of requirements in order to succeed with the application. Basically, the business must be innovative, capable fo creating jobs for Canadian citizens and be able to compete internationally. While waiting for the application to be approved, applicants can also apply for a Temporary Work Permit to be able to work in Canada.


Please contact us for more detailed information.