Considered the Pearl of the Balkans, Montenegro´s breath-taking natural beauty and sophistication, along with its strategic position, makes the country an interesting and attractive prospect for investors looking for business expansion, security and quality of life through a second citizenship.

The Citizenship-by-investment Programme requires that applicants make a specific economic contribution to Montenegrin society through an investment in business or development projects across the country, or through real estate purchase. In exchange, and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process, including background checks, applicants and their families are granted citizenship. The country joined NATO in 2017 (which ensures social and political stability), and it is a candidate to join the European Union in approximately 5 years´ time (2025).

The Benefits of Montenegrine Citizenship Benefits 

- Visa-free travel to 117 countries

-  Once applied, passport is issued in approximately 6 months

- Growing property market

- Booming tourism sector

- No language or business background needed

- Dual citizenship allowed

- Citizenship is passed on to descendants

-  Eligible dependants include spouse, children up to 26 years of age and parents over 65 years´ old

Please contact us for more detailed information.