Grenada, usually known as the Spice Island, provides applicants, besides its amazing sunny tropical weather and stunning beaches, a politicaly stable country, with excellent financial regulations and well-respected legal system based on the English law. English is the official language, while French is widely spoken too.

As it is part of the British Commonwealth, a passport from Grenada brings a number of benefits including visa-free travel to 144 countries including the UK. It is one of only three countries in the Caribbean with access to the USA E-2 treaty investor visa, meaning that a significant business investment in Grenada, can provide an opportunity to also reside in the USA.

The Benefits of Grenadian Ctizenship  

- Visa-free travel to 144 countries, including China, UK, Singapore and other.

- Passport delivery in as little as 60 days

- Generous tax regime

- No personal income tax

- No wealth or inheritance tax

- Generous incentive packages

- Corporate tax breaks

- Full exemption from import duties

- Opportunity for USA residency via E-2 treaty visa.

Please contact us for more detailed information.